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The Griffith Aboriginal Medical Service offers the services of a Social and Emotional Wellbeing Worker based within our Medical practice at Griffith.


The Social Emotional Wellbeing officer can assist our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clientele if:


•You need someone to talk to.


•You need assistance with accessing other services or programs within the Griffith Aboriginal Medical Service area.


•If you need help dealing with other service providers such as Housing NSW, Centrelink, Family and Community Services                   and Job Network providers.


The team consists of 1 dedicated staffmember with coverage to various towns in the area including: Griffith, Leeton, Darlington Point and Coleambally.


If you require the assistance of the Social & Emotional Wellbeing Team, please call the Griffith Aboriginal Medical Service on 0269620000.

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SEWB Flyers (1).png

Richard Bamblett

Male SEWB Worker

April Dargin

Female SEWB Worker

38-42 Jondaryan Avenue Griffith NSW 2680

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Tel: 02 69620000

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