The Child and Maternal Health team provides services to pregnant Aboriginal women and women with Aboriginal partners.
The team consists of 3 Aboriginal Health Workers.
Services they can provide include:-
• Antenatal care such as assistance with booking in to hospital, appointments with Doctors, Ultrasound, Pathology and Antenatal checks with the Pregnancy Care Clinic.
• Advocacy and support
• Assistance with early intervention appointments
• Outreach Clinics and Home Visits
• Transport to appointments
The Child and Maternal Health Team Outreach to Lake Cargelligo and Hay on a fortnightly basis.

Linda Johnston
Child & Maternal
Health Worker

Maranna Williams

Britt Nayden

Kiri O'Hara
Child & Maternal
Health Worker
Child & Maternal
Health Worker
Child & Maternal
Health Worker
Marrabinya Mums & Bubs Group
The Child & Maternal Health Team also conducts a mother’s group called Marrabinya Mum’s & Bub’s. This group is targeted at Aboriginal Families with children aged 0-4 years of age.
It is normally run on a Tuesday at the Griffith AMS from 11am – 2pm.
Please note that this does not run during school holidays.
Parents are introduced to a variety of Guest Speakers/Service Providers giving them information and the life skills for better outcomes for their families.
Do I Need a Referral to access the Child and Maternal Health Team?
You can be referred to our program from your Doctor or Support/Health Worker.
Self-referrals are always welcomed
If you require the assistance of the Child & Maternal Health Team, please call the Griffith Aboriginal Medical Service on 0269620000