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The Griffith Aboriginal Medical Service is accredited with the following bodies:

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Griffith Aboriginal Medical Service complies with the requirements of The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners Standards for general practices ( 5th edition ) and is accredited as a general practice.

The QIC Health and Community Services Standards and accreditation program provides a thorough and wide-ranging review of organisational systems across multiple areas, including:

  1. Governance

  2. Management systems

  3. Consumer and community engagement

  4. Diversity and cultural appropriateness, and

  5. Service delivery.


As a nationally recognised accreditation program, the QIC Standards 7th edition support a wide range of organisations, of varied sizes and service delivery types, to strengthen areas for improvement and to identify quality improvement priorities while committing to a cycle of continuous quality improvement.

GP Synergy is the sole provider of the federally funded Australian General Practice Training (AGPT) program for doctors seeking to specialise as General Practitioners (GPs) in NSW and ACT. GP Synergy offer a diverse range of high quality education and training opportunities across rural, remote, outer-metropolitan and metropolitan settings.


Doctors training with GP Synergy can pursue either Fellowship of the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (FACRRM) or Fellowship of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (FRACGP).

38-42 Jondaryan Avenue Griffith NSW 2680

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Tel: 02 69620000

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